

Physical Health & Appearance

This is a delicate topic.

But let’s be honest, physical appearance matters. Maybe not to everyone in the world but to a majority of them at least. I think any reasonable person would agree. It doesn’t have to define who you are, though for some shallow people it is everything. But looking nice or wanting to look nice doesn’t mean you are a horrible person. It is the first thing most people see in someone else is their physical appearance. You don’t see their soul/character right away (generally).

And in terms of your long term success it can matter. 

And feeling more attractive can effect your self esteem and confidence. The two are tied together. More confident means you are able to negotiate better raises and be more decisive. It doesn’t mean you are a horrible/shallow/selfish person if you can keep things in perspective. Of course, it seems many people can’t keep things in perspective anymore, based on what is on social media (I try to avoid social media). 

I write all this to lay the groundwork on why you should work out. Do it for yourself. I really think it is worth a few minutes of your day. You can still look at social media in between sets or while on the treadmill. 

In terms of fashion, I am a mainly a shorts and t shirt guy if I can get away with it. In a previous life, I have done the whole custom made suits and shirts thing. Google is your friend in terms of finding resources for clothing. I will say one thing, the fit is more important than the brands. If I had a choice between super expensive clothing that does not fit right or cheaper, but quality clothes that fit well, I would choose the better fitting option.  

And finally, get some good sleep the benefits are tremendous. It also helps with weight loss.