

Creating Passive Income and Living Abroad

Welcome to 1KFreedom.com. This is a site focused on creating passive income and living abroad. For more info check out the About Page. This site is intended to a starting point for your journey. It isn't meant to be perfect and address every question or issue. I did not want to keep delaying this project as I continued to work on it. I wanted to be of service as soon as I could. The biggest key to success in anything is starting.

What you will find here...


While I strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, please note that the information provided on this website is for entertainment purposes only. I recommend conducting thorough research and seeking professional advice before making any financial decisions. I have lots of links to various articles, Reddit subs, etc. These are just for information/entertainment. I am not saying these are 100 percent facts you can rely on. Remember, the path to passive income requires dedication, persistence, and ongoing learning. All information here should not be 100 percent trusted, consider the information here a starting point and you need to educate yourself further to make informed decisions that are appropriate for you situation. In other words, don’t blame me if it doesn’t work out for you. Be responsible for your own choices.

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