


To be honest, the topic of travel is huge. I think most people get very little time to travel. So they have to do a lot of planning to get the most out of their trip. And much of what they want to know is readily available on the internet. So do some work and google what you specifically want to know. I highly recommend reading and searching travel subs on Reddit, since most likely you are not the first person to have a question about XYZ.

If you know in your heart that you would like to spend extended periods time abroad or even move abroad, you have to travel early. Why? Because in order to give yourself the best chance of success in a different country, you really need to learn a language. And the sooner you figure out where you would like to live or at least which language really appeals to you, the sooner you can focus on learning that language. Languages are not learned quickly.

And so this advice sounds very contradictory to other advice about saving money and investing so that you have the ability to earn some decent passive income. Well, you can minimize your costs of travel by planning well, traveling in the off season and earning reward travel on your credit cards to name a few ways to keep the costs down.

But you need to travel often. And visit the place where you would like to live many times. During all parts of the year. And during the course of many trips, you should start to have local relationships. Not talking best friends, just people you know that you meet once in a while to hang out, etc. If you don’t create these types of contacts that might mean this place isn’t right for you, despite how much you like it.

I don’t write the above to mean, it is just logical, isn’t it? Now if you absolutely can live without relationships with people than ignore what I wrote. Or if you plan to mainly hang out with expats, then fine. But I truly believe you are missing out. For example, if you are an American and all you want to do is hang out with fellow Americans but in a different country, well that just sounds stupid to me. Why go then?